Gaya pakaian pria di masa kini telah melihat perubahan dramatis dalam gaya bila dibandingkan dengan evolusi gaya perempuan dalam pakaian dalam. Sementara pakaian perempuan terus menekankan seksualitas feminin, sekitar akhir 1980-an dan awal 1990-an, terutama di Amerika Serikat, gaya pakaian pria mulai deemphasize seksualitas, dalam mendukung gaya baggier dan lebih longgar. Ini telah banyak dilakukan dengan mendefinisikan ulang maskulinitas untuk menjauh dari gaya yang lebih mengungkapkan mengobjektifkan tubuh laki-laki gaya yang lebih sederhana

A small bag usually closed with a drawstring .
A pocket in which a marsupial carries its young.
Any pocket or bag shaped object; as, a posing pouch or cheek pouch.

As underwear :

A male undergarment that comprises a body encircling member, including a front piece and a rear piece; an elastic waist band attached to the encircling member; a scrotum receiving section formed by a portion of the front piece and by an adjacent inwardly positioned piece of fabric and a pouch, adapted to retain the scrotum therein and defined by the scrotum receiving section and by a separate border element. The pouch is produced in such a way that the border element is attached to the scrotum receiving section. The border element is configured to contact the groin when the undergarment is worn, so as to reduce friction between the scrotum and groin


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